Sunday, June 27, 2010


I finally feel like its summer..probably because i have this week off!!!! I cant wait to sleep late and do nothing but FUN things!
The sad thing is my Eli is going to be away the whole week i have off! He is going with the youth group to a conference in Ohio..(yup, his parents live there and are going to try and meet up with so jealous!)
But i will be keeping myself busy and the week will just fly by..which im not looking forward to it doing that either....i just cant win..oh well!=)
This week i want to go to the beach,go to a nice restaurant,s to a carnival,go to a 1st birthday(hehe i have one of those already planned),go to the movies( a couple times) and see old/new friends! busy busy already!
but im starting my week of right and thats going to the best place CHURCH...i havent been there a bunch this month cause of my teeth pain so im excited to get that back into my routine! I just never feel right if i miss church...u ever feel like that?
Well heres to a great week for everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you to have some days off! If I could I would go with you to the beach!! I miss the beaches on LI and can't wait to go back and show them to my kids. I really hope you will have a great week. A BIG hug from Sweden!
