Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thank God for great parents!

I think ...God blessed me with the best parents in the world...I can say he hand picked me to belong to them...
I was adopted May 26th, 1981 and I believe that day was the best day of my life! I don't even want to imagine for a second if i was placed else where or if my birthmother had kept me... where would i be or what I be doing...thats some scary thoughts..(so i dont go there)

I was raised in a christian home and brought up in an amazing church which has also become my family! I now work in the preschool in my church and i just love thinking back to my growing up years and all that God has given me...

Recently, Eli and I had an opportunity to maybe adopt a baby boy that is due this coming weekend...Long story short..It hasn't work out but it has made me feel a little of the process my parents had to go through and the happiness and pain it brings..."The lord is in control" is what Eli and i are leaning on now and as much as our desires are to have a baby NOW!! We need to wait on God and thank him for the blessings we have now!
And soo...
thats brings us back to my parents...who i am so blessed to have apart of my life everyday and i truly with thanksgiving in my heart thank them for deciding to adopt!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Eli and i have been thinking...dreaming..and hoping to get this house in commack..its on starlight drive(foreclosure).. i love that name starlight lol! its an amzing house.. that i could see great fun and hard work..being put in to it! We put an offer on it the beginning of the week..and are eagerly awaiting to see if the BANK accepts it..
BUT with all that said...we want to do what GOD wants..and we will see if this is the path he wants us to many things have to work out just right (with the selling of our current house and finding the right person to buy it) would be ALL God if everything works we are just praying that God will show us his clear direction and we will follow!Sometimes prayer is all we can do..right?

Monday the 16th of November

Eli and i have our first consultation with East Coast Fertilty! Im freely sharing b/c i would love your prayers! We will go and discus what has happen with the miscarriage and the rest of my problems lol and see what the next step to take is! Im nervous...excited...and i cant wait to look ahead on a positive note..
thanks for the prayers inadvance..we need them!